first post

I have decided to start my first post with my favourite theme: Spirituality.

Jiddu Krishnamurti called it "choiceless awareness", Nisargadatta refered to it as "remaining in the I AM" and Ramana Maharshi proclaimed "witnessing attitude". All different terms describing what Sri Buddha refered to as Sati.

Out of all the above descriptions I like Jiddu's term, "choiceless awareness". It amptly describes what Sati is. Simply being aware of oneself, aware of ones breathing, body, thoughts, emotions, reactions but without condemning them. This way you know exactly who you are right here, right NOW! Not who you want to be, not who you were, but who you are at the present moment in it's wholeness......a sure way to Self-Knowledge and hence the beginning of true spirituality.


Mayo said...

much easier said than done, but if you can good for you and good luck :)

suneejnair said...

its only hard when your mind is rushing here and there. a calm pond with no ripples reflect the moon beautifully but a disturbed and busy pond can't. calm and quieten the mind and it becomes the easiest and most natural thing to do.

Mayo said...

depends on who you are and what you want out of life. some people want to lead life a different way. it depends on what your definition of true happiness is and where you want your life to take you and what you expect out of your life. this is just not the way for some people.

suneejnair said...

yes i all boils down to whether you want to learn about yourself or not....for those who want gain self-knowledge this is sensible for others it becomes an impediment.

Mayo said...

i still think that depends on your outlook. that is not the only way to learn about yourself. there are so many different ways to explore life. just opening your mind up to different way's is necessary, and if you cant then this is the way.

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